Monthly Webinars Header Image

Webinars are held on Tuesdays or Thursdays each month at 7pm EST. Please refer to the list of dates and times below.

Chapter members will receive an email with a link to the webinar via Zoom. The link will also be posted in the ACFW Virginia Facebook Group. When instructors permit, we will make PowerPoint slides available to members under the file tab of the ACFW Virginia Facebook group page as well. Webinars are recorded and accessible for two years.

As a reminder, each time you attend a live webinar January – September, you will be entered into a drawing for a paid registration fee to our November virtual conference!

If you’re not eligible for Virginia Chapter membership but want to view the webinars, click here to find out how you can join as a webinar-only member!

Scrivener 3.1 for PC

Presented by Bonnie Woodward

January 18, 2024

How to Keep Writing From Being a Pain in the Neck

Presented by Valerie Fentress

February 20, 2024

Let Your Funny Flag Fly

Presented by Shelli Ragle

March 21, 2024 @ 7 p.m. EST

How to Dress Up Your Story: Tips & Tricks From a Developmental Editor

Presented by Stephanie Miller

April 16, 2024 @ 7 p.m. EST

Pitch Perfect

Presented by Jane Daly

May 16, 2024 @ 7 p.m. EST

Help! How Do I Finish This Thing?

Presented by Julia N. White

June 18, 2024 @ 7 p.m. EST

Learn to Bleed on the Page

Presented by Darlene Larson

July 18, 2024 @ 7 p.m. EST

Fine tune your craft. Learn how to bring your heart to the page.

Write with your own vocabulary, tone, and voice of truth. Touch the troubled heart of the reader by offering your heart upon the page. “ Then the LORD answered me and said, “Write down the vision And inscribe it clearly on tablets, So that one who reads it may run” (Habakkuk 2:2 NASB).

Darlene Larson headshot
Darlene Larson

Don’t let Darlene’s upbeat spirit and smile trick you into believing her life has been a walk down daisy lane. She knows disappointments like they are her best friends. As the founder of Hearts with a Purpose, she coaches women around the world. A Professional Certified Life Purpose Coach® and Grief-Loss Coach, Darlene passionately helps women find purpose from the pain of their story!  Author of the 31-day life changing devotional series, Enable Me, Lord to Shift: Are you stuck in idle? Learn how to shift into Truth and live, and a grief-loss book pending.

Ten Reasons Why Your Novel Isn't Published

Presented by Karin Beery

August 20, 2024 @ 7 p.m. EST

Lack of platform is NOT the main reason most manuscripts are rejected. Writers everywhere speculate about their rejections, and most of the things they post on social media are wrong. Publishers DO want fresh voices and new twists on classic tropes. The truth, however, is that people aren’t submitting them. What, then, is really going on?

We’re not trying to keep it a secret; we WANT authors to know so they can submit the types of manuscripts publishers are looking for. In this class, I’ll tell you the top 10 reasons why I’ve rejected manuscripts this past year.

Karin Beery headshot
Karin Beery

Owner of Write Now Editing, Karin Beery is a published author and editor with experience in traditional and self-publishing, freelance editing, and editing for publishers. She is an active member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Christian Authors Network, and the Christian Proofreaders and Editors Network, as well as a PEN Institute instructor. Her specialty is substantive fiction editing with an emphasis in romance and women’s fiction.

Oral History: Everybody Has a Story

Presented by Laure Herlich

September 19, 2024 @ 7 p.m. EST

Why Oral Histories? Because EVERYbody has a story!

Oral histories are the stories of peoples’ lives. True stories can help us to understand the history of our family members and townspeople and can help us to build a multi-generational and multicultural community. Collecting oral histories may not make you rich, but, as a writer, they can be another step on the path to publication. What do you need to get started? To whom will you speak? What will you ask them? How can you put this to use? What are the protocols to abide by?

Laurie Herlich headshot
Laurie Herlich

Laurie Herlich loves living in rural northeast Tennessee, where Story is everything. She writes flash fiction and cozy mysteries in a converted garden hut situated in her backyard. Laurie is a regular contributor to and is a finalist for a Selah award in the online devotion category. She is also a contributor to Jonesborough, Tennessee’s StoryTown NPR Radio Show/Podcast, and is an intern with the Jonesborough Storytelling Guild.

Master-ing Your Marketing Mountain

Presented by Liana George

October 15, 2024 @ 7 p.m. EST

Are you feeling overwhelmed by author marketing? Does it seem as though it’s a giant mountain you must climb, with only a few book sales and minimal audience growth? If you’re looking to find marketing success and make it to the top, this workshop is for you!

Together we’ll examine the levels necessary to scale the marketing mountain, using examples from the Master Himself, Jesus. You’ll learn how to build a solid foundation and acquire the necessary tools, knowledge, and inspiration to reach the summit. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to MASTER the Marketing Mountain and take your marketing efforts to new heights!

Liana George headshot
Liana George

Liana George, a Texas native, is a highly sought-after speaker, blogger, and author. She is known for her three books in the Hopeful Heart Series, Perfectly Arranged, Perfectly Placed, and Perfectly Matched, which were published by Scrivenings Press. Her inspiration for these books comes from her experiences as a professional organizer and her time living in China. Liana is not just a novelist; she is also the co-founder and creative director of The Author’s Write Hand. This agency provides marketing, platform building, and virtual assistance services to clean and Christian authors. When Liana isn’t scribbling away or putting things in order, she enjoys reading, traveling, watching tennis, or tending to her small farm just outside of Houston.




Crafting Success on Review Platforms

Presented by Dana Claire

December 5, 2024 @ 7 p.m. EST

 In the digital realm of book discovery, review platforms stand paramount. This presentation offers insights into maximizing your book’s visibility and garnering impactful reviews amidst a sea of titles. Uncover strategies to engage the right reviewers, craft compelling listings, and navigate feedback effectively. Elevate your presence on review platforms and turn them into your book’s biggest advocates.

Dana Claire

Meet Dana Claire, a seasoned marketing and sales pro, public speaker, and acclaimed young adult author. Combining her literary knowledge and marketing expertise, Dana founded The INKfluence—an innovative marketing agency exclusively for authors. Passionate about author education, she empowers fellow writers to build their literary empires. INKfluence’s services include consulting, promotional product design and production, marketing ghost-writing, and direct sales assistance. The agency focuses on equipping authors with valuable insights and skills to thrive in publishing’s ever-evolving landscape. With a commitment to success, The INKfluence is the go-to resource for writers making a significant impact in the publishing world today.